Sorry for the delays

I know it's been a while since I last posted (been busy moving my girlfriend out of her apartment and into my place), but I did manage to get some play time in here and there. I'll give you the updates right now: I've knocked out every quest up to Letter From Lionel (which I'll be doing tonight when I get home from work), my Mag evolved into a Bhirava, then into a Varaha (after feeding it some antidotes. I didn't even know it could evolve again!), and then back into a Bhirava. I actually like Varaha better, and I'll be trying to get those back.

Current stats are as follows...
Fade: Lvl 24, Total EXP=35659, Next lvl=4265
Bhirava: Lvl=24, Synchro=120%, IQ=20 (damn atomizers and antidotes), DEF=16, POW=22, DEX&MIND=18
Closing thoughts: I'm not going up against Dark Falz until I'm at least lvl 30.